The following impact factors were found using Harzing's Publish or Perish searching Google Scholar.
Publish or Perish 7.28.3033.7654 (basic report) Windows (x64) edition, running on Windows 10.0.19041 (x64)
Search terms
Publication name: "business education innovation journal" Years: 2008 to 2020
Data retrieval
Data source: Google Scholar Search date: 2020-12-31 13:09:52 -0700 Cache date: 2020-12-31 13:12:58 -0700
Reference date: 2020-12-31 13:12:58 -0700 Publication years: 2009-2020 Citation years: 11 (2009-2020) Papers: 386
Hirsch h-index: 15 (a=5.33, m=1.36, 370 cites=30.8% coverage)
Egghe g-index: 21 (g/h=1.40, 451 cites=37.6% coverage)
Citations: 1200 Citations/year: 109.09 Citations/paper: 3.11 Authors/paper: 1.85/2.0/1 (mean/median/mode) Age-weighted citation rate: 226.42 (sqrt=15.05), 138.75/author
PoP hI,norm: 12 PoP hI,annual: 1.09